Sib Coin 2021 blockchain conference Fri, 05 Jan 2024 15:33:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sib Coin 2021 32 32 Blockchain-Powеrеd Spacе Еconomiеs: How Cryptocurrеnciеs Could Drivе Lunar Commеrcе Fri, 05 Jan 2024 15:33:05 +0000 Thе moon, oncе sееn as thе ultimatе frontiеr for еxploration, is now poisеd to bеcomе a hub for commеrcе and еconomic activity. Advancеmеnts in spacе tеchnology, couplеd with thе еmеrgеncе of blockchain and cryptocurrеnciеs, arе opеning up nеw possibilitiеs for lunar colonization and sustainablе еconomic dеvеlopmеnt. In this articlе, wе will еxplorе thе concеpt of […]

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Thе moon, oncе sееn as thе ultimatе frontiеr for еxploration, is now poisеd to bеcomе a hub for commеrcе and еconomic activity. Advancеmеnts in spacе tеchnology, couplеd with thе еmеrgеncе of blockchain and cryptocurrеnciеs, arе opеning up nеw possibilitiеs for lunar colonization and sustainablе еconomic dеvеlopmеnt. In this articlе, wе will еxplorе thе concеpt of blockchain-powеrеd spacе еconomiеs and how cryptocurrеnciеs could drivе lunar commеrcе in thе not-so-distant futurе.

Thе Lunar Frontiеr

Thе moon has long capturеd thе imagination of humanity as a distant cеlеstial body, but rеcеnt dеvеlopmеnts suggеst that it could bеcomе a rеality in thе nеar futurе. Privatе spacе companiеs likе SpacеX, Bluе Origin, and othеrs arе activеly working on plans for lunar missions, including thе еstablishmеnt of lunar basеs and rеsourcе еxtraction.

Onе of thе kеy drivеrs bеhind lunar еxploration is thе vast potеntial for rеsourcеs. Thе moon is bеliеvеd to contain valuablе minеrals, including watеr icе, which can bе convеrtеd into hydrogеn and oxygеn for rockеt fuеl and lifе support systеms. Additionally, lunar rеgolith contains rarе matеrials likе hеlium-3, which could bе usеd in futurе fusion rеactors on Еarth.

Howеvеr, еstablishing a prеsеncе on thе moon and tapping into its rеsourcеs rеquirеs substantial invеstmеnt, collaboration, and a robust еconomic framеwork. This is whеrе blockchain and cryptocurrеnciеs еntеr thе picturе.

Blockchain: Thе Foundation of Lunar Commеrcе

Blockchain tеchnology, known for its dеcеntralizеd and transparеnt naturе, offеrs sеvеral advantagеs for spacе еconomiеs on thе moon:

  1. Sеcurе Transactions: In a lunar еconomy, whеrе rеsourcеs arе valuablе and transactions arе critical, blockchain can еnsurе sеcurе and transparеnt financial transactions. Cryptocurrеnciеs likе Bitcoin and Еthеrеum can bе usеd for intеrplanеtary commеrcе, еliminating thе nееd for traditional banking systеms.
  2. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts, sеlf-еxеcuting agrееmеnts with prеdеfinеd rulеs, can automatе and facilitatе various lunar activitiеs, from rеsourcе еxtraction agrееmеnts to land ownеrship and lеasе agrееmеnts. Thеsе contracts еnsurе trust and еnforcеability without intеrmеdiariеs.
  3. Supply Chain Managеmеnt: Blockchain’s ability to track and vеrify thе origin and movеmеnt of goods is еssеntial in a lunar еnvironmеnt. It еnsurеs thе tracеability of lunar rеsourcеs, rеducing thе risk of fraud or contamination.
  4. Immutablе Rеcords: Thе immutability of blockchain rеcords mеans that historical data, such as ownеrship of lunar rеsourcеs and transaction history, cannot bе tampеrеd with, еnsuring long-tеrm accountability and transparеncy.
  5. Dеcеntralization: In a lunar contеxt, whеrе communication with Еarth may еxpеriеncе dеlays, a dеcеntralizеd blockchain nеtwork can function indеpеndеntly and еfficiеntly, rеducing dеpеndеncy on Еarth-basеd infrastructurе.

Cryptocurrеnciеs as Lunar Currеncy

Cryptocurrеnciеs can sеrvе as thе primary currеncy in a lunar еconomy for various rеasons:

  1. Portability: Cryptocurrеnciеs еxist purеly in digital form, making thеm еasy to transport and usе in spacе missions.
  2. No Physical Infrastructurе: Unlikе traditional fiat currеnciеs, cryptocurrеnciеs do not rеly on physical infrastructurе, such as banks or ATMs, which arе non-еxistеnt on thе moon.
  3. Global Accеssibility: Cryptocurrеnciеs arе accеssiblе to anyonе with an intеrnеt connеction, еnabling a global lunar еconomy with a low barriеr to еntry.
  4. Sеcurity: Thе cryptographic naturе of cryptocurrеnciеs providеs a high lеvеl of sеcurity, crucial for financial transactions in a harsh lunar еnvironmеnt.
  5. Dеcеntralization: Thе dеcеntralizеd naturе of cryptocurrеnciеs aligns with thе еthos of lunar colonization, which oftеn involvеs multiplе intеrnational stakеholdеrs.

Lunar Activitiеs Supportеd by Blockchain

Sеvеral lunar activitiеs can bеnеfit from blockchain-powеrеd solutions:

  1. Rеsourcе Еxtraction: Blockchain can facilitatе agrееmеnts bеtwееn lunar mining companiеs and rеsourcе buyеrs. Smart contracts can automatе thе salе and transfеr of lunar rеsourcеs.
  2. Rеal Еstatе: As lunar basеs еxpand, blockchain can bе usеd to managе land ownеrship and propеrty transactions. Lunar rеal еstatе can bе bought, sold, and lеasеd on thе blockchain.
  3. Еnеrgy Managеmеnt: Solar еnеrgy is abundant on thе moon, and blockchain can bе usеd to managе and distributе еnеrgy еfficiеntly among lunar coloniеs.
  4. Spacе Tourism: Blockchain can facilitatе thе booking and paymеnt procеss for lunar tourism, еnsuring sеcurе and transparеnt transactions.
  5. Rеsеarch and Dеvеlopmеnt: Lunar rеsеarch projеcts can bеnеfit from transparеnt funding mеchanisms and collaboration facilitatеd by blockchain tеchnology.

Challеngеs and Considеrations

Whilе thе concеpt of blockchain-powеrеd lunar еconomiеs holds promisе, it also raisеs sеvеral challеngеs and considеrations:

  1. Rеgulation: Еstablishing a rеgulatory framеwork for lunar cryptocurrеnciеs and blockchain activitiеs is еssеntial to еnsurе lеgal compliancе and protеct stakеholdеrs.
  2. Intеrplanеtary Communication: Dеvеloping blockchain nеtworks that can function autonomously and еfficiеntly, еvеn with communication dеlays bеtwееn Еarth and thе moon, is a tеchnical challеngе.
  3. Rеsourcе Allocation: Dеciding how lunar rеsourcеs arе allocatеd, tradеd, and govеrnеd rеquirеs carеful considеration to avoid conflicts and еnsurе еquitablе accеss.
  4. Sustainability: Sustainablе lunar rеsourcе еxtraction and еconomic dеvеlopmеnt must bе a priority to avoid thе dеplеtion of valuablе rеsourcеs.
  5. Privacy and Sеcurity: Protеcting thе privacy and sеcurity of lunar transactions and data is paramount, еspеcially in a rеmotе and hostilе еnvironmеnt.


Thе convеrgеncе of blockchain tеchnology and spacе еxploration has thе potеntial to transform thе moon from a symbol of human curiosity into a thriving hub of еconomic activity. Cryptocurrеnciеs and blockchain-powеrеd solutions offеr a sеcurе, transparеnt, and еfficiеnt framеwork for lunar commеrcе, making it fеasiblе for privatе companiеs, govеrnmеnts, and intеrnational organizations to collaboratе and invеst in lunar еxploration and rеsourcе utilization. Whilе numеrous challеngеs liе ahеad, thе prospеct of blockchain-powеrеd spacе еconomiеs rеprеsеnts an еxciting frontiеr for humanity’s futurе bеyond Еarth.

The post Blockchain-Powеrеd Spacе Еconomiеs: How Cryptocurrеnciеs Could Drivе Lunar Commеrcе appeared first on Sib Coin 2021.

Top 10 promising cryptocurrencies in 2022 Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:22:48 +0000 Experts provide information on what to expect from cryptocurrencies this year, and what type of coins are capable of generating substantial profits. The crypto industry saw a period overflowing with significant events throughout 2021. Bitcoin was accepted as a legal tender in El Salvador, a ban on cryptocurrency exploitation took place in the Middle Kingdom, […]

The post Top 10 promising cryptocurrencies in 2022 appeared first on Sib Coin 2021.

Experts provide information on what to expect from cryptocurrencies this year, and what type of coins are capable of generating substantial profits.

The crypto industry saw a period overflowing with significant events throughout 2021. Bitcoin was accepted as a legal tender in El Salvador, a ban on cryptocurrency exploitation took place in the Middle Kingdom, and the ETF currency investment fund started trading.

In the same 2021, with the progressive pandemic, the number of fraudulent schemes with virtual assets increased, resulting in the theft of billions in dollars. However, the popularity of cryptocurrency is only growing.

Does it make sense to buy cryptocurrency?

For those who are seriously interested in the question of what a virtual currency is and what its principles are, the answer is unequivocal: it is worth investing.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that cryptocurrency belongs to the assets of higher risks for investors. But with experience in investing, there is a chance to make good money on it and improve your financial prospects.

You should invest in the type of currency that suits your individual needs, perceptions, and expected profits. Definitely, the chosen cryptocurrency should have an immutable perspective.

The first condition of the choice should be the “transparency” of the currency, and the principles of its exchange and withdrawal – exclude excess costs, as far as commissions and time resources are concerned. This means that not only a sufficiently promising project, but also one that involves the development of technology and innovation, will justify itself. You need exactly the project that will provide the best opportunities to increase profits now and in the future.

The following types of cryptocurrency should be noted among those that have proven themselves in 2022.


Bitcoin is leading the cryptocurrency market and is set to grow steadily as consumers attach it to the immediate concept of cryptocurrency. It’s an interesting situation, but against today’s standards, bitcoin is far from being at the forefront of the competition. It is inferior to its peers in terms of security, functionality and usability. At the same time, bitcoin is a monetary sign that has enriched many people, and that is why its irrepressible growth in capitalization continues.

Bitcoin’s disadvantage is its excessive dependence on market conditions. And since this unit can be used to track the prospects of the cryptocurrency system in general, any sentiment of market participants is immediately reflected on the same dollar. But there is a silver lining to this volatility:

  • sudden increases on a minimum of provocation are almost the norm for bitcoin. Those who carefully analyze the news manage to take profits off the sale and then buy additional bitcoins on a rate pullback.
  • The dynamics of the coin are on the plus side. The value of the currency is rising, which will have a further continuation, given its undiscovered potential.

Bitcoin is a coin of increased liquidity compared to other types of cryptocurrency. The user will never encounter a drop in demand for bitcoin. A transaction is approved almost instantly and executed immediately. For cryptocurrency, this situation is of extreme importance: because in an unforeseen situation, assets are not canceled due to a drop in demand.

And as long as bitcoin is relevant, experts advise investing in this type of currency, not in mining. Due to the complexity of the technical processes of VTC mining and the increased cost of equipment it is less and less justified to mine on the conservative earnings: the purchase of the coin at the bottom of the value and the sale at the moment of increase.

When mining on your own equipment, there is a chance of a failed return on investment, when all the resources spent will turn into zero. To avoid being in such a position, it is necessary to use borrowed capacities to acquire Bitcoin, which should be discussed in more detail below.


It is the undisputed leader among free currencies, so experts predict a 200-350% income by the end of 2022. The coin has reached the level of $4000, and high expectations are an important factor in its growth. Users are interested in the launch of Ethereum 2.0, a new version of the coin that operates on the Proof-of-Stake algorithm.

Modern Ethereum is a currency with a huge number of developers studying the upgrade, the cryptocurrency of this type has the maximum usability. The upgrade should provide not only more economical, but also the most expeditious transactions between owners of this type of currency. According to experts, the digital economic system Ethereum is destined for rapid development.

Of course, the cryptocurrency is not without competition, but Ethereum holds the primacy. And as the bitcoin story confirms, in the world of cryptocurrencies, authority among technologically advanced competitors plays an important role.

In 2022, it is likely that most owners will be able to capitalize on Ethereum’s volatility, but it is worth considering keeping a certain amount of the currency for the purpose of long-term ownership. Analysts have different opinions on exactly when the ecosystem’s potential will be justified. In the face of uncertainty, opposing bettors are talking about a jump in historical value within the first five or ten years. Take care of an asset in ETH, and investments will rejoice with impressive gains of 500% to 800%.


Forecasts in 2022 are not unambiguous, so it’s hard to determine whether the price will go up or down. First of all, the coin is popular because of its similarity to bitcoin. With the appearance of similarity, one can count on the speed of transactions (the difference is 4 times), and the high level of comfort in the upcoming work.

This initially seems like a good situation, but in reality competitors offer other types of tokens and coins suitable for commercial systems and full-fledged development. In 2021, coin owners saw this disadvantage, noting the undesirable consequences precisely in practice: the historical maximum was reached, after which the price began to decline.

However, it is necessary to take into account that litecoin is a known currency, and also take into account the impact of the actual capitalization. Many platforms offer to use litecoin for financial transactions, which is the reason for its increasing popularity. If forecasts of a gradual decline in the coin’s price come true in 2022, it would indicate that historical trends may be repeating themselves. In such a situation, the price of bitcoin would initially fall, but then rise after that, which would be carried out according to the Fibonacci equation: up to $600 at first, and then up to $1,000.

If the changes follow an appropriate pattern, bitcoin holders can enter the trend at the low to then sell the coin profitably, making a good profit. Afterwards, holding the coin loses any sense: if the price changes at historical prices, there will be a maximum jump and then the averages will be established, but they will already be higher.

If the scenario turns out to be different, holders will note a gradual decline in price. This will happen until the end of 2022. Then a gradual stabilization will be possible.


Is a new cryptocurrency, and its direct connection to bitcoin is noted. This option allows investors to earn on the rise of bitcoin with the focus on a passive approach, because it will not be necessary to constantly monitor the movement of cryptocurrencies for rapid transactions.

The value is expected to rise, but gradually, not immediately. It is becoming more and more relevant in the cryptocurrency market these days. Users want the price of tokens to be influenced not only by economic events and numerous factors of the existing cryptocurrency market, because they are difficult to predict and numerous external factors have to be taken into account.

This is the reason why REDSmb, as well as its competitors, relies on an independent increase in value. The project is unique: the value of the token grows not due to the features of the current system, but due to bitcoin mining. Thus, the owner of the token can keep the currency to gradually mark up to his crypto wallet.

The main feature is the link to bitcoin. The token is provided by the terraces, which is a unit of speed when mining. Thus, it is better to invest in the currency rather than worrying about having special equipment, and the cost of maintaining it will be quite serious. From a single token you can get 20-50% per annum (specific figures depend a lot on luck). One should understand that self-mining can often lead to financial losses: the income does not allow to cover the financial investment.

It is important to understand that when bitcoin sags, the impact on REDS mb is inevitable. For example, at the beginning of 2022 the face value is $142, but it may be lower than the starting minimum. This will be due to bitcoin fluctuations. However, a sharp rise in the price of the cryptocurrency may not lead to growth. In the event that the coin goes up in price, the interests of the owners may not be taken into account. Such currency units are characterized by a more systematic development. Sudden change of the situation in any direction is impossible, so instead of a sharp rise in price, a stable increase in price is possible.

The above features should not be an obstacle, but the cryptocurrency is designed exactly for long-term use. The coin deserves the user’s attention in the long term (at least in a year). This asset is suitable for the comfort of those who prefer passive income and want to make a profit with a minimum financial investment ($1 is enough to start with).


This cryptocurrency appeared in China. This market participant is not an easy one. This is due to the unique principles of the system. Ripple occupies a special position in the existing cryptocurrency market. There is a focus not only on the popularity of the tokens used, but also on the value of the available system. The owners strive to improve the payment network used by the system.

It is for this reason that the Ripple brand offers:

  • It is ideal for fast and profitable money transactions. It is a global network, so the number of users is expected to be large.
  • XRP Ledger. It is based on an opsource. Assumes the presence of XRP coin.
  • Will be suitable for efficient implementation of technological solutions.

It is important to note that the XRP coin is independent of the Ripple brand. However, the company’s dynamics still have an impact on the coin’s value. The currency grew steadily until 2021, but fluctuations began in 2022. Users are unsure whether to invest in the coin or not. The situation is developing because of a lawsuit that has been filed by America.

The Chinese brand sold the tokens in an attempt to circumvent current laws. However, officials assure that the accusations are groundless. Moreover, they note that they do not believe that the issued tokens constitute securities.

The result of the trial is expected to be known in 2022. The future history of the coin will largely depend on it. If Ripple is the winner, the users will trust the Chinese side again and will actively use the token, so the price increase will be at least 2 times by the end of 2022.

Binance Coin

The Binance virtual currency token is considered to be the main one in the cryptocurrency exchange. For a long period alone remained in the shadows, a breakthrough happened a year ago, there was a big jump, traders recorded an unusual mark: about $700. After that there began a “quiet glade” at the values of $300-400. However, towards the end of the year the usual “surge” happened again, BNB was estimated at $34.33.

For today this currency behaves predictably, the reason for the jumps is explained by faith and hope in prospects. The presence of potential is obvious and it will persist.

If we look at the recent history, Finance Coin partially duplicates the algorithm of formation:

  • Bitcoin;
  • Ethereum.

The trading money platform has occupied a niche in “crypto”, it provides optimal conditions for trading and exchange of virtual money. Positive trends of Finance Coin remain in the current year, which indirectly confirms the hidden opportunities.

There are some internal actions that strengthen the coin’s exchange rate. Affiliate bonuses are a building block that drives engagement.

Binance Coin is in demand, using this currency frequently:

  • Payment of transaction fees.
  • Travel expenses.
  • Landing cryptocurrencies for interest income.


Success happened with this “money” two years ago; In 2020 Chainlink took off like a rocket, with the second space speed, at the same time in that legendary period the currency package also showed record results.

  • Chain Link led the list and continues to “hold the mark” among users;
  • Strictly speaking, Chain Link is an Oracle network with no strict centralization.

Just non-stop blocks of blockchain information are provided. At the same time, Chain Link shares (which is infrequent) data with other networks. As of the first three months of this year, there were more than a thousand projects (1,112) activated that were using Chain Link in large volumes.


Another currency burst into the top: Solana, which the world only learned about two years ago. The start was like a volcano explosion, within 12 months the growth was: 300 points.

The advantages of “cryptocurrency” is functionality, there is the ability to generate.

decentralized applications, which opens the prospect of decentralization of financial assets for all users.

Surges in Solana are observed, but these are “childhood diseases”, they are inevitable and are also related, and the general trend of the cryptocurrency market. The coin is waiting for its time, but sooner or later it will “explode”, it is rational to keep it in the portfolio until better times. Experts predict that in a couple of years the value of Solana will increase radically, and there is every reason for that.


Dogecoin quotes are growing steadily, though a few years ago it looked like a gimmick. Pretty soon Dogecoin will become the main settlement system on the network. A year ago, the cryptocurrency with the logo: dog DOGE (an attractive face of a four-legged friend) experienced a dramatic rise. This year, the monetary unit is positioned as a sign for helping animals. Ilon Musk positions it as one of the best.

Dogecoin will not move Bitcoin, nevertheless it will take its place under the sun, it is growing steadily, the forecasts are most positive. While DOGE is showing democratism and accessibility, which seems to be a short-term trend, it’s time to take a closer look at it.


Polkadot is positioned as the main opponent of Ethereum; It operates based on segmentation of the network, has a large number of different circuits. Benefits from the fact that transactions flow at the same time in the same parallel actions.

The idea is simple, productive and therefore ingenious. Such an algorithm drastically increases performance and scalability.

Polkadot accumulates basic Web 3.0 fundamentals, which greatly facilitates performance and functionality. Modifications are possible instantly, and new features are added. There is no need to do a fork to neutralize bugs. The system contains a large number of control blocks, which further attracts users.

Review of the best cryptocurrencies at online casinos

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been a surge in the number of online casinos that accept them as payment. However, with so many different cryptocurrencies to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is the Top Casino Websites. To help you out, we’ve reviewed the top cryptocurrencies for online casinos in Canada and compiled a list of the best ones to use in 2022.

Bitcoin is by far the most popular cryptocurrency and is accepted by most online casinos. However, Bitcoin can be volatile and has been known to fluctuate in value quite drastically. Ethereum is another popular choice for online gambling and is more stable than Bitcoin, although it can still fluctuate somewhat. Litecoin is a good option if you’re looking for a cryptocurrency that is more stable than Bitcoin but not as well-known as Ethereum. Finally, Bitcoin Cash is a newer cryptocurrency that has gained popularity due to its low transaction fees and fast transaction times. Whichever cryptocurrency you choose, you’re sure to have a great experience gambling at an online casino.

Conclusion of the review on the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies in 2022

As we enter the new year, it’s a good time to take a look at the best cryptocurrencies for 2022. After a turbulent 2020, the cryptocurrency market is stabilizing and there are some clear frontrunners emerging. Bitcoin continues to be the dominant force, but there are several other cryptocurrencies that are worth watching in the coming year. Ethereum is one of the most promising altcoins, with a strong development team and a growing community. Ripple is another up-and-coming contender, with a focus on providing fast and affordable international payments. Finally, Litecoin is a solid option for those looking for an accessible and user-friendly cryptocurrency. All of these cryptocurrencies have the potential to succeed in the coming year, and it will be interesting to see how they develop.

The post Top 10 promising cryptocurrencies in 2022 appeared first on Sib Coin 2021.

Review of the Best Cryptocurrencies 2022 Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:20:16 +0000 Cryptocurrencies have been gaining in popularity in recent years, as more people become interested in digital assets. With so many different cryptocurrencies to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is the best investment. However, by looking at a ranking of the best cryptocurrencies for 2022, investors can get a good idea […]

The post Review of the Best Cryptocurrencies 2022 appeared first on Sib Coin 2021.

Cryptocurrencies have been gaining in popularity in recent years, as more people become interested in digital assets. With so many different cryptocurrencies to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is the best investment. However, by looking at a ranking of the best cryptocurrencies for 2022, investors can get a good idea of which ones are worth their attention. 

The top three cryptocurrencies on the list are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. These three coins have a strong track record and are expected to continue to grow in value. While there are many other cryptocurrencies that could also potentially be profitable investments, these three are considered to be the best choices for the coming year.

Top 10 best cryptocurrencies

The best cryptocurrency of July 2022 was Ethereum Classic (ETC). During the month the coin went up by 150%.

To recap, ETC is technically the original version of the token that is now known in the crypto community as Ethereum (ETH). The decision to create ETH was made amidst the hacking of the project’s decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Read more about how Ethereum Classic emerged from Ethereum Classic in our material.

Developers have been working for a long time to migrate ETH from the extremely energy-consuming PoW to the more environmentally friendly PoS algorithm. In mid-July 2022, an update date was announced online. Ethereum’s move to PoS is scheduled for September 19, 2022. The market reacted to the news with growth.

In parallel, Ethereum Classic showed positive dynamics. The fact that the cryptocurrency, unlike its “little brother”, will continue to work on PoW. ETH miners will have to look for new coins to mine against the background of Ethereum’s transition to PoS, because in the new version of the network tokens will be “mined” at the expense of steak ing. It can be assumed that many crypto industry participants shifted their focus from ETH to ETC in advance, which led to the cryptocurrency’s growth.

With a significant lag from ETC, the following coins are also in the top 5 best cryptocurrencies of July 2022:

CryptocurrencyGrowth in July 2022
Polygon (MATIC)+95%
Quant (QNT)+92%
Filecoin (FIL)+88%
Aave (AAVE)+72%

Also in the top 10 best cryptocurrencies of July 2022 were Uni swap (UNI), Ethereum (ETH), Compound Ether (cETH), PpCoin (APE) and Internet Computer (ICP).

The Ten Outsiders

UNUS SED LEO (LEO), a Bitfinex cryptocurrency token, topped the outsider rating with a -14% result. As a reminder, the issuer of the coin was the parent company of the trading platform – iFinex. The team of the organization decided to issue LEO against the background of the confiscation by regulatory authorities of part of the Crypto Capital funds – the platform that handled payments of the project’s ecosystem.

iFindex decided that they should not hope for a return of funds. LEO became an instrument to cover investors’ losses. The cryptocurrency was distributed to the victims and a plan to buy it back was formed.

Notably, earlier UNUS SED LEO was in the top 10 best cryptocurrencies of the first half of 2022.

In the top 5 outsiders of July 2022 among cryptocurrencies, in addition to stackable coins Multi-Collateral Dai(Dai), Finance USD (USD) USD Ecoin(USD), included Compound Sdai (cDAI) – token of the decentralized protocol Compound. During the month the coin fell in price by 5%.

Other cryptocurrencies from the top 10 outsiders showed positive dynamics. At the same time, in comparison with other coins, their growth rate was the lowest. For example, Dogecoin (DOGE), the favorite cryptocurrency of Tesla founder Elon Musk, made the outsiders’ list. In July, the coin rose in price by only 5%.

What happened on the crypto market

NFT-marketplace Rarible team launched “Google for NFT”, Mango Markets team offered users a plan to compensate losses after hacking, Mastercard payment system will help banks to organize crypto-trading – these and other news in our review on October 18

Behavior of cryptocurrency leaders by capitalization

Bitcoin (BTC), according to CoinMarketCap, started Tuesday with a sideways move. As of 04:25 a.m. (Toronto, Canada), the cryptocurrency is trading at C$19,504. The coin’s 24-hour low was C$19,173 and its high was C$19,635.

The second most capitalized cryptocurrency, Ethereum, also started the day with sideways movement. As of this writing, the coin is trading at C$1,329.

In the top 10 most capitalized cryptocurrencies, Solana (+3.35%) recorded the best result in 24 hours. Within the week, Ethereum (+3.87%) grew more actively than others. During the day, all cryptocurrencies, except for Tether stake, showed positive movement dynamics. Cardano (-6.68%) recorded the largest losses during the week.

In the top 100 most capitalized cryptocurrencies, the best result for the day (+14.94%) and the week (+48.70%) was recorded for Huobi Token. Ethereum Name Service (-3.88%) was the most actively losing in price during the last 24 hours. Klayton (-19.76%) recorded the largest losses for the week.

The aggregator’s task is to help NFT buyers find the best deals on the market. The platform can compare prices for interchangeable tokens among different marketplaces. Users of the aggregator can also filter search results by a number of criteria, such as the type of NFT blockchain.

The team of DeFi-platform Mango Markets proposed a plan to recover the stolen cryptocurrency from users. The scheme, according to media reports, was presented as part of an early morning phone conversation with members of the project’s Discord channel. After its publication, members of the crypto community will have 72 hours to vote.

On October 12, 2022, Mango Markets lost more than $100 million in Cryptocurrency as a result of an exploit. Three days later, the project’s community approved a deal with the hacker in which the attacker can keep $47 million worth of cryptocurrency, subject to the return of $69 million in digital assets, which will go to compensate the platform’s investors for their losses. At the same time, the team and users of Mango Markets promise not to pursue criminal charges in the incident.

International payment system Mastercard will help banks to provide customers with tools to organize cryptocurrency trading. CNBC writes about it.

Mastercard will act as a “bridge” between the cryptocurrency-oriented trading platform Paxos and banks. At the same time, the team of the international payment system will take care of issues related to the regulation of crypto trading and organization of safe trading. CNBC pointed out that many banks had previously bypassed cryptocurrency because they did not have a solution to these two aspects outlined by Mastercard.

Conclusion of the review article on the best cryptocurrencies in 2022

As we head into 2022, cryptocurrencies remain a hot topic. With prices fluctuating and new coins entering the market all the time, it can be tough to keep track of which cryptocurrencies are worth investing in. That’s why it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest reviews and predictions. Here’s a look at what some experts are saying about the best cryptocurrencies for 2022.

Bitcoin continues to be at the top of most investors’ list. While its price has been volatile in recent months, many experts believe that Bitcoin will continue to rise in value over the next year. Ethereum is another popular choice, as it’s seen as a more stable alternative to Bitcoin. Ripple and Litecoin are also worth considering, especially if you’re looking for coins with good potential for growth.

Of course, no one can say for sure which cryptocurrencies will be the best performers in 2022. However, by doing your research and keeping up with the latest predictions, you’ll be in a good position to make informed investment decisions.

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Cryptocurrencies: a guide to getting started with digital currencies Thu, 08 Sep 2022 09:05:21 +0000 Those who follow the market even from afar have probably been surprised by the ups and downs of digital currencies in the news. The most famous is Bitcoin , but many others are already relevant – as well as the sympathy of investors. But what is cryptocurrency ? How do these assets work and how […]

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Those who follow the market even from afar have probably been surprised by the ups and downs of digital currencies in the news. The most famous is Bitcoin , but many others are already relevant – as well as the sympathy of investors. But what is cryptocurrency ? How do these assets work and how to trade them?

InfoMoney has prepared this guide, thinking of those who want to take their first steps in the world of digital currencies and want to know where to start. This is a new asset class in the market, and that’s why it raises a lot of doubts for those who are still learning.

What are cryptocurrencies?

In general, a cryptocurrency is a type of money just like other currencies we live with on a daily basis, with the difference that it is completely digital. In addition, it is not issued by any government

Learn how to invest in crypto-assets in a practical and sensible way. Click here to watch a free lesson
But is it possible? To explain that it is, Fernando Ulrich, author of Bitcoin: Currency in the Digital Age, makes a very simple analogy: “What email did to information, Bitcoin will do to money. Before the Internet, people depended on the post office to send a message to anyone who was elsewhere. Physical delivery required an intermediary, which is unimaginable for someone with access to email and other messaging services.

Something similar will happen with virtual currencies in the future. “With Bitcoin, you can transfer funds from point A to point B anywhere in the world without even entrusting this simple task to a third party,” Ulrich explains in the book.

Although bitcoin is the best-known digital currency, the concept of cryptocurrency predates it. According to, a website maintained by the bitcoin community, cryptocurrencies were first described in 1998 by Wei Dai, who proposed using cryptography to control the issuance and transactions made with the new type of money. This would eliminate the need for central authority, as with conventional currencies.

What it’s worth.

Cryptocurrencies can be used for the same purposes as physical money. The three main functions are to serve as a medium of exchange that facilitates commercial transactions; as a store of value to preserve future purchasing power; and as a unit of account when products are priced and settled economically. According to Ulrich, currencies such as bitcoin have yet to acquire the status of a unit of account because of the high volatility of their prices at present.

What is mining?

To understand what mining is, you need to know that digital currencies such as Bitcoin are a complex code which cannot be changed. Transactions made with them are protected by encryption. Since there is no central authority tracking these transactions, they must be logged and verified one by one by a group of people who use their computers to record them in what is called a blockchain.

Blockchain is a huge book of transactions. According to Ulrich, it is a publicly accessible database containing the history of all transactions made with each bitcoin unit (other digital currencies are based on the same technology). Each new transaction – for example, a transfer between two people – is checked against the blockchain to make sure that the same bitcoins have not previously been used by someone else.

Those who write transactions to the blockchain are what are known as miners . They offer the processing power of their computers to perform these records and verify the transactions made with the currencies – in exchange they are rewarded with new units of them. Bitcoins are created as the thousands of computers that make up this network solve complex mathematical problems that verify the validity of the transactions included in the blockchain.

In other words, mining is the creation of new units of certain types of digital currencies. If more computers are used to increase the computing power of mining, the mathematical problems that need to be solved become more complex. This happens just to limit the mining process.

“Bitcoin is designed to replicate the mining of gold or other precious metals on Earth: only a limited and predetermined number of bitcoins can be mined,” Ulrich explains in his book. (Read more in the Bitcoin section of this guide)

How the price change works

Essentially, the price of digital currencies changes according to the good old law of supply and demand. In times when cryptocurrencies attract more attention, investors tend to have more demand, which increases the volume of purchases and, therefore, prices tend to rise.

“There are only a limited number of bits in circulation.In other words, mining is the creation of new units of certain types of digital currencies. If more computers are used to increase the computing power of mining, the mathematical problems that need to be solved become more complex. This happens just to limit the mining process.

“Bitcoin is designed to replicate the mining of gold or other precious metals on Earth: only a limited and predetermined number of bitcoins can be mined,” Ulrich explains in his book.

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How to choose the best online casino with cryptocurrencies? Thu, 08 Sep 2022 09:02:28 +0000 Digital currency is currently breaking all records of popularity. As a result, many different types of digital currencies have emerged. Not surprisingly, online casino cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more common online. Cryptocurrency was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Now it is an unprecedented novelty in the financial market and is in great demand. […]

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Digital currency is currently breaking all records of popularity. As a result, many different types of digital currencies have emerged. Not surprisingly, online casino cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more common online. Cryptocurrency was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Now it is an unprecedented novelty in the financial market and is in great demand. All casinos with cryptocurrency you can play at casino online brasileiro

Choosing an online casino with cryptocurrencies – what to look out for?

Before choosing a cryptocurrency casino, it is advisable to check the following:

  • availability of an appropriate license;
  • availability of an application or mobile version;
  • the casino’s reputation in the gambling market;
  • the games offered by the cryptocurrency casino;
  • digital currencies accepted by the operator;
  • speed of payments and withdrawals;
  • Prizes located in the site’s palette;
  • The languages and currencies of the gaming site.

It is also worth trying a bitcoin casino for yourself for example, try playing at Play Fortuna Casino. Free games are a good solution for this purpose. This allows you to practice your own skills without any risk. Below we also describe the important criteria for choosing a cryptocurrency casino.

Currency casino license

Modern gaming sites are well protected and undergo various checks assessing the integrity and functionality of the platform.To protect yourself from registering at a fraudulent virtual casino, you should always check their license.Paid online casinos are licensed and regulated by the relevant authorities.The home page of the site should have information confirming that it is licensed.If your gaming operator is approved by the relevant regulatory bodies, such as the MGA, the UK Gambling Commission or Gibraltar, we have nothing to worry about.A license from these bodies is a factor in the integrity of a gambling establishment.In the case of fraudulent gambling portals, players may have problems asserting their rights or getting their winnings back.We are more protected by playing on licensed sites.

Cryptocurrency casino rules and restrictions

It is worth making sure that the virtual gambling establishment where we are going to register an account accepts users from the country of which we are a resident.Rules and restrictions may also apply to the currencies that the selected casino accepts.

The speed of payments and guarantee of anonymity are also noteworthy.It is worth noting that the withdrawal of winnings in digital currency from the account of a virtual gambling establishment can only be made to a special e-wallet.We can not transfer winnings in cryptocurrency from the online casino to a bank account or credit card.

Multigamblo lovers have highlighted several advantages of playing at casinos that accept bitcoins or other digital currencies:

  1. Transfer speed.
  2. Low fees.
  3. Ability to send small amounts of money.
  4. Confidentiality and security of transactions.
  5. Independence from banking institutions and government.

Payments to the casino can be made in small amounts of money.This is a very interesting option for players who do not play at high stakes.In this case, players can rejoice in the money they win, even if the amounts are small.

Variety of cryptocurrencies

Before we talk about the types of digital currency, it is worth explaining what cryptocurrency is.It is a crypto-based accounting system that stores data in contractual units.The most popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tetcher, Binance Coin, EOS, Litecoin, NEM, Nano, Dogecoin and many others.

Using digital currency in casinos is not complicated and does not require any special knowledge from users.The main advantage of cryptocurrency is the inability of banks or tax authorities to control or influence this payment system.However, it is worth remembering that digital currency can depreciate, which is a high risk.

The variety of cryptocurrencies is also a very important factor when choosing a cryptocurrency casino.Before creating an account at the site you choose, it’s worth checking what types of digital currency the gaming operator accepts.Currently, every legitimate online casino that decides to introduce virtual currency is successful and in high demand.

Bonus programs

Blockchain projects take care of their users first and foremost. Easy and fast registration is used to play, usually with the option of free exploratory play. Using a special local currency, TPLAY, for calculations also increases security. This monetary unit contains a lot of information, which guarantees the integrity control and is connected to the internal cycle of the players.

Online casinos often offer bonus programs. To activate bonuses, all you have to do is create an account by linking it to your phone number or email address. Once your details are verified, the bonus can be used. Bonuses are limited in duration by the provider.

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Most of the Best Online Casinos in Australia Are Using Blockchain Technologies Wed, 25 May 2022 13:28:43 +0000 Some online casinos provide Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency users with special bonuses and promotions. You can normally get a welcome offer in the kind of a bonus match or bonus spins whenever you make your initial payment with crypto, and it’ll often be more beneficial than bonus offers for fiat currencies. The rise of Bitcoin […]

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Some online casinos provide Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency users with special bonuses and promotions. You can normally get a welcome offer in the kind of a bonus match or bonus spins whenever you make your initial payment with crypto, and it’ll often be more beneficial than bonus offers for fiat currencies.

The rise of Bitcoin casinos has altered the face of gambling and casinos as a whole. Many people have fallen in love with it for obvious reasons. It’s more freedom, more pleasure, and more cash with crypto casinos.

Online gambling is purely safe these days. You will discover that a large number of online casinos seem to be secure to play at. However, there are a few rogue casinos   Always bet at one of the casino sites we suggest avoiding them.

Best Bitcoin Casinos in Australia

Even though cryptocurrency has only been around for a few years, it has already begun to dominate the online gaming industry.

More Australia’s best Bitcoin casino sites are now accepting cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and others. We may expect new and well-known crypto casinos to develop on the internet as the amount of cryptocurrency grows. The following are a few of the best Bitcoin casinos:

  • Bitstarz

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain appears to be a mentoring network of nodes that stores public transaction data, sometimes known as blocks, in numerous databases, generally known as the “chain.” A ‘digital ledger’ is the term used to describe this form of storage.

Every action in this database is verified and protected by the owner’s digital certificate, which certifies the transaction and prevents it from being tampered with. As a result, the digital ledger’s data is incredibly secure.

Assume you’re transferring money to relatives or friends from your account. You’d send the monies to the other user’s account number via internet banking. Once the deal closes, your bank updates the transaction data. Isn’t it self-explanatory enough?

In a matter of a few seconds, these kinds of methods can be changed. People will be aware of this would be often reluctant to use these kinds of payments, hence why third-party payment services have been increasingly popular in recent years. Blockchain technology, on the other hand, was created in response to this weakness.

The firm relies heavily on data and transaction records. This data is frequently handled in-house or by third parties such as traders, accountants, or lawyers, which adds labor, expenditure, or both to the business. Thankfully, Blockchain eliminates this time-consuming process and enables faster transaction processing, saving time and money.

Reasons for Using Blockchain Technology

Through decentralized identification and other privacy features, blockchain and decentralized consensus technologies offer the innovative potential for securing user data. These systems can provide consumers more control over their data by providing skills that enable individuals to own and govern it.

  • Highly secure
  • Automation capability
  • Decentralized system

Prospects for distributed ledger technology for casinos

Blockchain is a type of technology that stores and organizes information in an unusual way.

Blockchain creates an easy way to verify transactions without the need for banks or other outside verifiers. This can be done between two parties who likely do not know or trust each other and never intend to settle their dispute in court.

With all the recent buzz around blockchain, it’s easy to get caught up in all the hype. Blockchain is simply a type of database where transactions are recorded without having to rely on a third party. Among some of the more popular features that come with it this includes smart contracts, secure data transfer and copyright tracking. There are now many different types of applications and currencies on the blockchain network, rooted all the way back to Bitcoin’s invention. There is no telling what innovations will unfold next in such a thriving industry.

An asset can be anything – for example, stocks, digital tokens, real estate rights or gold.

Transactions take time to validate. One of the key considerations for different consensus algorithms is how quickly transactions are authorized by the network and recorded onto the blockchain.

A pre-determined payment amount is transferred by the buyer to the specified crypto wallet address. The receiver is a ‘secret’, so they don’t know who’s sending funds.

Minimal fees are involved when trading – instead of a central intermediary, transactions can be registered by those who process them. Minimal fees are their reward for supporting the network. But due to the level of competition between miners, charges are often kept low.

Either buy something with a “Cancel” or “Request Change” button, or if it’s time-sensitive, the fraudster won’t have any reason to contact you in the first place. Sure, if you really bought an apartment then the tulips will just be a nice thought. All transactions are confirmed by the Blockchain

The blockchain ensures secure transactions which are immutable & verifiable. Each block contains the entire history of all transactions complete with timestamps, so you can be sure they’re accurate.

An increased adoption of blockchain technology has been able to create a whole new market no one has seen before. With the advent of blockchain, we saw a transition from exchanging assets to a commonly used technology with endless possibilities.

Transferring money has never been easier. Now, you can send funds to friends or family all around the world without having to pay the fees that banks and other institutions charge.

The emergence of decentralized trading platforms will lead to the end of the need for intermediaries and centralized platforms. With these platforms, you can sell and buy goods without a fee. This technology is what led to Open Bazaar’s April 2016 launch of their zero-fee trading platform, where you can easily sell and buy items without a fee. In Japan and other Asian countries, many decentralized e-commerce platforms are being incorporated as an alternative to centralized ones.

This means that lawyers, realtors and bankers will also be left out of the process, saving them time and money. The benefits don’t end there because these industries are also outside of the equation, which will reduce a lot of complications.

The blockchain system allows you to send and receive money around the globe in minutes. You will also be able to sign a contract or re-register ownership in one day, which is incredibly convenient.

A key feature of Blockchain is the ability to trade ownership of almost anything – in doing so, it could have a major impact on our lives and consequently attracts a lot of interest.

Source: Bitcoin casinos in Australia 2022:

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Blockchain as a source of innovation Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:54:41 +0000 Why is blockchain so attractive? The idea of blockchain was initially brought up because it gave society some innovative changes, one of which is the Bitcoin project. First, it is of course the very idea of ​​using a public journal in a distributed payment system, which is based on maintaining each node of the peer-to-peer […]

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Why is blockchain so attractive?

The idea of blockchain was initially brought up because it gave society some innovative changes, one of which is the Bitcoin project. First, it is of course the very idea of ​​using a public journal in a distributed payment system, which is based on maintaining each node of the peer-to-peer network with its own copy of the journal.

Secondly, this is the process of dividing a log into blocks and connecting those blocks with hash values. When choosing a block, the hash value of the previous block must match that entry. As a result of the method laid out in the journal, financial institutions were also able to find interest in blockchain technology. This can be seen from the beginning of the first block which has largely been responsible for blockchain innovation interest.

Thirdly, It might be a good idea to start using this newest approach to making transactions. It has the form of messages in a special format. We’re also talking about security elements like crypto and the verification of transactions, for example, about including the hash of the recipient’s public key in his address, and the public key itself in the body of the transaction that the recipient generates when using the funds received.

The diagram is showing us that the direction of access is towards the North West. We’re talking about innovations related to blockchains. They usually involve something not found in the public blockchain (i.e. the bitcoin system and its analogues), like shared governance, open source, borderless access. Enterprise blockchain technology is revolutionizing the way that business is done and we’re implementing them into many structures within groups.

Many large financial institutions are considering using blockchain to transform the way they do business, which is ultimately an idea that is being supported by the general public. For example, Japan’s giant company, Mizuho, is creating a blockchain for corporate workflow. Visa recently announced the launch of its cryptocurrency project, and Big Bank of Japan has created a coin that alludes to their bank name.

All the while, enterprise blockchain developers have to solve new difficult tasks as they progress, specifically like maintaining security with proof-of-work technology that has become frustrating.

In the search for new ways to implement these concepts of proof-of-work and proof-of-stake, we keep an eye on crypto developments and algorithms that have not been yet utilized. Proof-of the work done in sports is fairly diverse and varied, and includes many different types of algorithms that make it difficult to use specialized ASIC chips. (for example, the developers of the Dash cryptocurrency took this path, which introduced a new hashing algorithm X11).

The highly secure blockchain model proof-of-stake is developing quite quickly (as a rule, using probabilistic models) the amount of the balance of funds belonging to the entity that formed the block.

“storage” is going in a completely new direction, with distributed storage of the blockchain, centralized storage being introduced and combined (copy) storage.

Blockchains are storing projects and files in a secure database that you can use. Companies often use cloud technologies to store new blockchain systems and help them grow easily. Microsoft & ConsenSys collaborated in order to provide a blockchain-based service integrated with Azure, and they announced at the end of 2015. In the spring of 2016, IBM launched blockchain services on the IBM Cloud.

There are significant opportunities for further innovations in the development and application of blockchains by looking at “Types of transactions”.Transactions are the part of a blockchain that lets parties transact with one another and create new assets – new initiations, to use the terminology of Ethereum. Operations allow for things like voting on which transactions should take place next.

There are a variety of transactions between two or more parties, each with a different type of obligation that can be easily recorded on the blockchain. It includes unilateral, bilateral and multilateral transactions (all with conclusion, storage & termination) where obligations can be recorded by using the blockchain. At the same time, both data on transactions and hashes of this data can be stored in the blockchain itself. The data will be stored separately in the second case.

Today, most smart contract technology is based on Ethereum’s single decentralized virtual machine (Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM), which makes transactions and computations easy. Within the framework of this technology, smart contracts (written in one of the programming languages EMV supports) are compiled into byte code for the EVM and loaded into the Ethereum blockchain, and then executed as transactions are formed with blockchain.

Operations transactions are transactions that are carried out within the framework of completed transactions. They’re often of an accounting or informational type. As part of accounting operations, the result of creating, storing, changing or extinguishing rights that are granted to the subject in a blockchain is recorded. For example, we can think of bitcoin transactions as a transfer of cryptocurrency to a new wallet or vendor.

One form of information operations is when information is transferred between the participants of one system or between them and the system (it is assumed that the very fact of the subject’s work in the system indicates the subject’s accession to a unilateral or multilateral agreement with the system). Any time you experience issues with IT systems and need to engage outside vendors, our team at Capri can help with that. Our policy of transactions is designed to maintain the operability by following the terms set forth in between participants.

The type and structure of the blockchain at the block level make it a perfect field for innovation. This is specifically illustrated in the diagram by the rectangle “Topology” with thick-lined rectangles inside it, which are “Structure” and “Block properties”, representing individual blocks. The Topo area is where innovations in blockchain technologies are detailed. The topics usually include only a linear sequence, though the future of these topics looks like more complex one. Even as cryptocurrencies grow and flow into the mainstream, we may soon face blockchain forking and the emergence of tree-like structures. Such a development of events is very likely – let us, for example, recall the dispute on the issue of increasing the block size in the bitcoin system, when the positions of the participants could not be coordinated for a long time, and there was no way to avoid a split on the blockchain.

For example, the integration of smart contracts for peer-to-peer payments over a blockchain facilitated by EOS. People believe the future will be bright for AI writing assistants as more businesses have been investing in them. The “Other” rectangle on the diagram represents thoughts about future of these assistants. Perhaps blockchain technology will work as a layered structure, where each layer is specialized in performing a specific function. “Perhaps a cluster structure with a spatial separation of blockchain functionality or something else?”

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San Marino will start issuing vaccination passports in the form of NFTs Sat, 05 Jun 2021 13:48:17 +0000 Non-exchangeable tokens (NFTs) confirming vaccination will be created on the VeChain blockchain

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Non-exchangeable tokens (NFTs) confirming vaccination will be created on the VeChain blockchain

Authorities in the Republic of San Marino have passed a “decree-law” that will allow digital vaccination passports against coronavirus to be issued to residents. The passports will be created in the form of non-exchangeable tokens (NFTs) on the publicly available VeChain blockchain and will be linked to the holder’s medical history. The blockchain company DNV was San Marino’s technical partner.

The digital vaccination passports will contain two QR codes for data verification:

The first QR code complies with European Union requirements and can be verified by organizations operating in its territory;
The second QR code can be checked by anyone and anywhere. Scanning the QR code gives access to a web application where the validity of the certificate can be verified by linking it to an NFT token.

“Anyone can verify the certificate without having to download a specific app. The use of the VeChain blockchain and non-transferable token (NFT) technology increases confidence in the authenticity of information, reducing the risk of forgery,” said Renato Grottola, DNV’s director of development and innovation.

NFT tokens are unique and indivisible. Such tokens are used to prove ownership of an object and cannot be replaced without the owner’s consent.

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Ripple has partnered with Egypt’s largest bank Fri, 23 Apr 2021 13:41:37 +0000 National Bank of Egypt has gained access to RippleNet's global payment network to process cross-border payments from the UAE

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National Bank of Egypt has gained access to RippleNet’s global payment network to process cross-border payments from the UAE

Ripple announced a partnership agreement with the National Bank of Egypt (NBE). Through the RippleNet global payment network, the bank has gained direct access to financial services provider LuLu International Exchange, which is based in the United Arab Emirates. This will allow NBE to process cross-border payments from the UAE.

According to a World Bank study, Egypt received $24 billion in international remittances in 2020 thanks to a large diaspora of migrant workers in the Persian Gulf, making it one of the world’s top five remittance recipients after China, India, Mexico and the Philippines.

The National Bank of Egypt is the largest Egyptian bank and was founded in 1898. NBE has 540 branches across the country.

The RippleNet system allows banks to make cross-border money transfers almost instantly and at minimal cost. There is now a lawsuit between Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The financial regulator is accusing Ripple of illegally selling $1.3 billion in securities under the guise of XRP tokens.

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“Rick and Morty” creator to produce first animated series on blockchain Sun, 27 Dec 2020 13:44:39 +0000 A trading platform with tokenized digital goods and NFT will be launched in conjunction with the new animated comedy series

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A trading platform with tokenized digital goods and NFT will be launched in conjunction with the new animated comedy series

FOX Television will collaborate with “Rick and Morty” creator Dan Harmon on a new animated comedy series, “Krapopolis,” which will be the first ever animated series on blockchain, the Hollywood Reporter reports. With the screening of the animated series, a trading platform with tokenized digital goods and non-transferable tokens (NFTs) will be launched. Also, the creators of “Krapopolis” have promised to reward the most active viewers with tokens that unlock exclusive content.

FOX announced the launch of a new company Blockchain Creative labs, which will manage the trading floor for “Krapopolis” and other future projects.

Earlier it was reported that the comedy “Hold on for Dear Life” will be the first series, the shooting of which was sponsored by cryptocurrency. The script for the film is in development. The project is engaged in an independent production company Beacon Pictures. Filming of the series is scheduled to begin in Puerto Rico in August of this year.

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